Gili Idan
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Gili Idan

Gili is a seasoned Product Marketing Director, with vast experience spanning both global enterprises and Tech companies, transforming technology and innovation into compelling narratives that resonate. Harnessing also her past track record as a marketing and strategy consultant to startups, her focus is always on bridging the gap between complex tech offerings and customer-centric messaging to create a comprehensive, compelling story and ultimately - drive success in today's competitive market.

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Manual Testing and Automation Tools: What is Right for You?
The key to finding the right solution for your ERP & Business applications What You’ll Learn Manual Testin...
ERP Testing: Best Practices Ensuring Seamless Operations
ERP Testing: A Must for Each Business In today’s fast-paced business landscape, Enterprise Resource Plan...
What is Test Automation? And How AI Fits Into The Picture
What is Testing Automation in 2024? Think about the manual factory lines of last century. Slowing, painstaking...
Continuous Testing for Constant Quality
Continuous testing is a process for evaluating the stability and quality of the application throughout the dev...
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