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Jordana Mozer

Jordana is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Panaya. A communications expert, Jordana has over 10 years of experience in content management and marketing in the high-tech industry. Passionate about B2B marketing and storytelling, she enjoys developing the story behind a product.

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Setting a New Standard for How You Experience Testing
We are thrilled to announce that Panaya has been named User Experience Testing Solution Vendor of the Year by ...
5 Categories of Risk in Continuous Delivery Pipelines Today
A continuous delivery pipeline handles continuous integration, delivery, and deployment and is often referred ...
Your Testing Map: Mapping Dependencies to Know What to Test
Dependency management has always been hard. One of the best illustrations of the problem is Microsoft’s aptly ...
Beyond Test Automation: Leave Nothing to Chance
Test automation is considered the Holy Grail of testing – saving time and supposedly resources. Agile and DevO...
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