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Benjamin Alimi

Benjamin is a seasoned professional with 15 years of experience in enterprise software and consulting for large customers across various industries. As the Director of Product Management for Panaya Smart Testing Solutions, he has been at the forefront of the development of Panaya Test Dynamix solution for smart test management combining modern UAT for large transformation projects, no-code automation, and change analysis. With a deep understanding of ERP project management and testing methodologies, he’s a true expert in his field and dedicated to delivering exceptional products to customers.

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Les UAT : le parent pauvre de la modernisation des pratiques de tests?
Alors que le monde du testing est en pleine mutation depuis quelques années avec l’avènement de solutions inno...
Optimiser la qualité et la valeur grâce au cycle de vie des tests logiciels
La qualité des produits logiciels a des répercussions directes sur la fidélisation de la clientèle et l’...
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